Dec 21, 2010

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas- My Own Alternative Ending (Chapter 2)

Before they left for Berlin though, Bruno's family had one more job to do- to make sure the Jews and prisoners from The Holocaust get into the train safely.

"Bruno!" An excited, familiar voice drifted towards Bruno. He instantaneously recognised it as Shmuel's voice. Sprinting towards Shmuel, Bruno hugged him tightly. It was a heartwarming moment when Shmuel gave him a small smile in return.

The two friends had already discussed the plans for their own future- Shmuel will live with Bruno's family in Britain as Shmuel had lost his family when Hitler declared war against the Jews.

A few hours later, Bruno, Shmuel, Mother, Maria and Gretel were aboard a plane. They arrived in Britain and there, they were accepted as citizens who were strongly against Hitler.

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