Dec 22, 2010

The Ending- Good or bad?

Personally, I think that the ending of the story is a good one; Even though the two innocent children died at the end, I felt that there were many things to be learnt about that. In the story, the Jews are depicted as enemies and "bad" while the Nazis are "good" so they  get to "punish" the Jews for their "misconduct". However, that is completely untrue. If the Nazi soldiers could mistake their own Commandant son to be a Jew, this shows that  regardless of  the Nazis beliefs, all Jews and Nazis are the same. 

 It was exceptionally touching in the last sentence of Chapter 19- "And then the room went very dark and somehow, despite the chaos that followed, Bruno found that he was still holding Shmuel's hand in his own hand and nothing in the world would have persuaded him to let it go."

This small, simple act of innocence really showed me how much Bruno valued his friendship with Shmuel, despite his own father's hatred towards the Jews. In conclusion, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is a reminder that the tragedy was not just about Bruno and Shmuel's deaths, but also the deaths of the millions of Jews during Hitler's rule.

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